Lord's Prayer Reflection - Day 3

Your Kingdom

When we think about the metaphor of discipleship to Jesus as compared to training for a marathon, this is the goal - “Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

There’s two parts here. First, God’s kingdom. When we look at Jesus, we can see God’s kingdom being made known in this world through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. He is our king, we are members of His kingdom. As we ask, “what does it mean to do as Jesus did?” One of the answers is to bring God’s kingdom to the world.

Second, God’s will. God’s will has a similar response. Consider what it means to become like Jesus. And also consider the way that Jesus prayed the night he was betrayed for the burden of the cross to be lifted from him, while also praying that not his own will, but God’s will be done. That is our prayer as well and this is how we become more like Jesus.

God’s Kingdom is what discipleship is all about. We can bring glimpses of God’s Kingdom to the world around us. And as a group trying to understand more what it means to be a disciple, one of the things we should be asking is how can God use us to bring His Kingdom to the world around us where we find ourselves.