Lord's Prayer Reflection - Day 1

Pray then in this way

As we’ve been talking about Being with Jesus and Becoming like Jesus - Jesus gives us guidance. One of the ways is through the Lord’s Prayer. The Lord’s Prayer shows us two things - first, a way to be with Jesus/God/Holy Spirit. Specifically “the Father” is named, but as Jesus points out later, the Son and the Father are one. The second thing The Lord’s Prayer shows us is how to become like Jesus. These lines of the prayer all have parallel actions, which we’ll get into over the coming days.

For today, we start with Matthew 6:9a, “Pray, then, in this way” and Luke’s version in Luke 11:1-2a. Especially in Luke’s version we see Jesus, as He often did, off praying. His disciples have seen Him do this many times before and they ask, “Lord, teach us to pray.” And Jesus responds, “When you pray, say.”

In this, we should be like the disciples, seeing Jesus in action and asking Him, “how do we become more like you?”

When you recite the Lord’s Prayer today, consider some of the ways we talked about where we are lacking in how we are becoming like Jesus. Then ask Him to teach you.